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Doing Business with the Lockheed Martin 01-05-22

  • The American Small Business Chamber of Commerce 700 12th Street NW #700 Washington, DC 20005 U.S.A. (map)

Lockheed Martin is dedicated to targeting and increasing women-owned small business (WOSB) participation in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, and as such, looking for WOSBs that can ultimately partner with LM and win SBIR government funding for their various innovative projects.

Lockheed Martin is an active supporter of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. These are federal programs designed to fund small businesses to conduct research and develop emerging technology. Whether working as a subcontractor or a technology mentor, Lockheed Martin provides small businesses with various assistance during different phases of their SBIR/STTR projects; including supporting technology requirements, evaluation, co-development, and insertion into larger systems.

The SBIR program was established by Congress in 1982 with a statutory purpose to strengthen the role of innovative small business concerns in federally funded research or research and development. The STTR program is a sister program to SBIR, established by Congress in 1992. A difference in the programs is that the STTR requires the small business to have a research partner consisting of a University, Federally Funded Research and Development Center, or a qualified non-profit research institution. 

You are invited to join us to learn how to partner with Lockheed Martin, register today.

Registration and Fees

 Click Here To Register 

  • This meeting is Complimentary for NASBC Supplier members.

  • For Business members, the fee is $15.

  • Registrant members and non-members the fee is $35.

Guest Presenter:

Susannah Raheb
Corporate Supplier Diversity Leader, Lockheed Martin

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