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Doing Business with Savannah River Nuclear Solutions

For more than 70 years, the federal reservation known as the Savannah River Site has proudly served the nation.

Born in the midst of Cold War secrecy, the Savannah River Site (SRS) has always operated safely and efficiently to execute its missions. During the Cold War, it produced one third of the nation’s weapons-grade plutonium and all of the nation’s tritium—both integral components of nuclear weapons.

Today, SRS is an interesting contrast. Of its 198,000 acres, about 90 percent is pine forest and teeming swampland. The property is a National Environmental Research Park and is home to several endangered species. Waterfowl and other wildlife are plentiful. Entire areas have been razed, as they were home to buildings and operations that were no longer needed. Nature has begun to take those areas back.

On the other 10 percent, however, the business of serving the nation is still very real. In a reduced, centralized core, operations continue, some in refurbished, robust buildings that were part of the original construction in the early 1950s. Other work takes place in modern facilities that were designed and built to be an enduring part of the nation’s nuclear future. This work includes conducting research and development at one of the United States’ national laboratories; converting highly enriched uranium into materials suitable for use in commercial nuclear reactors; producing new tritium for national security; receiving and storing spent nuclear fuel from across the nation and around the world; consolidating the nation’s plutonium and uranium; managing wastes; cleaning up and removing excess buildings; and remediating soil and groundwater.

Registration & Fees (Web-Conference)

Begin registration here.

  • This meeting is Complimentary for Supplier members.

  • For Business members, the fee is $15.

  • For Advocate members, Individual members, and non-members the fee is $35.

Presenter: Alex Agyemang

Small Business Liaison Officer
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC 

Alex Agyemang is the Small Business Liaison Officer for Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SRNS), the M&O prime contractor at the Savannah River Site, Aiken SC. He is responsible for managing, planning, directing and monitoring the activities of the Small Business Program and key supplier relationships. He has oversight of SRNS’ Mentor-Protégé Program; a DOE/HQ initiative to assist energy related small businesses in enhancing their business and technical capabilities. He is responsible for managing supplier relationships and all supplier development activities to ensure the successful completion of the SRS mission.
Alex has served in increasing roles of responsibility. He was the Manager, Strategic Sourcing, responsible for the creation and administration of the Site’s critical material agreements. He was the Lead, Corporate Continuous Improvement, with direct oversight for training and qualifying associates for the Site continuous improvement program. He was the Small Business Program Manager for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Prior to joining SRNS, Alex was a senior supply chain planning analyst with the Northrop Grumman Corporation. Some of his major projects were implementing lean-six sigma improvements in the pipe supply chain, leading the Category Management strategy for commodity procurements, and establishing the Capstone Program, a talent management program for high potential employees. He is an APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional.

Alex is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and a former Air Force officer. He was the Department of Energy (DOE) FY 2017 and FY 2018 Facility Management Contractor Small Business Program Manager of the Year, the DOE FY 2018 Mentor of the Year, the recipient of the DOE FY 2018 Director’s Award for Excellence, was recognized as the 2019 CVMSDC Coordinator of the Year, and the 2020 recipient of the GMSDC George Lottier Rising Star Award. Alex received the Northrop Grumman Corporate Contracts, Pricing, and Supply Chain Award and was also recognized as one of the Top 40 Under 40 business leaders in Hampton Roads, Virginia

November 10

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